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TheGlass Between Us 

Empowering Youth to Combat Digital Exploitation

About the Book

In an era where digital screens have become an integral part of our lives, “The Glass Between Us” offers a beacon of hope and practical guidance for navigating the complex world of digital interaction.

Written by Lisa and Jason Frost, co-founders of Wired Human, this groundbreaking book is a must-read for parents, educators, and young people alike.

What You’ll Find Inside
  • Cutting-edge research on digital exploitation and its impact on youth
  • Insightful interviews with experts in child online safety
  • Practical tips for building healthier screen habits
  • Strategies to empower youth to become leaders in creating a safer digital future
Why This Book Matters
  • Every other child has experienced some form of abuse online
  • 18,000 victims reported falling victim to sextortion in 2021 in the US alone
  • Big Tech’s business model often prioritizes profit over children’s safety

Praise for “The Glass Between Us”

“I highly recommend The Glass Between Us.”

-Bill Johnson, U.S. Congressman, Ohio

“This is an incredibly important and timely book.”

-Adam Smith, U.S. Congressman, Washington

“This must-read is for every parent seeking to instill digital and relational values to last a lifetime. “

-Liz Walker, International Authority on Porn Harms, Education and Advocacy

“The Glass Between Us (…) will surely equip parents and professionals to empower teens to make healthy choices online.”

-Donna Rice Hughes, Internet Safety Expert, Author, Speaker and President of Enough Is Enough

“Everyone in America should read The Glass Between Us.”

-Warren Binford, Children’s Rights Expert, Professor & Director, University of Colorado, TEDx Speaker

“Impassioned and well informed, Team Frost gently but firmly awakens parents to the realities of life with screens.”

-Gary Wilson, Author of Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction

About the Authors

Lisa and Jason Frost are advocates, educators, researchers, speakers, and parents. With nearly a decade of experience working with youth in Germany and the United States, they bring a unique perspective to the challenges of raising children in the digital age.

Join the Movement

By reading “The Glass Between Us,” you’re not just gaining knowledge – you’re joining a community committed to fighting for a better digital tomorrow for our children. Together, we can ensure that childhood is not for sale.

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